THOU SHALT NOT suffer a Madman, a Fool, an Idiot or a Politician!
(except if your a politician then its "Thou shalt not get caught!")

August 13, 2010

Re: The Govenor

As reported earlier... It seems that the State Fair may not be so in all of their dealings. I do know that the governors office was informed of the facts as then known. Yet it seems that his office has such an excellent set of filters (not just electronic) in front of it that when an opportunity for political advancement presents itself, gift wrapped, in front of his office (call the bomb was unattended) to which notification was sent, they cannot be bothered. Well Governor Herbert, It seems that there is another political party out there who just might be interested in your office (can you say Caroon?) . Possibly, you may be just waiting for things to sort themselves out. It is possible, that the expense of investigating this (a phone call or two by the lowest paid staffer or unpaid intern?) would be of such vast monies that the benefits to the people, that have been freely given to not only the voters of Utah, but especially to the children, is of little or no consequence or interest to you. (can you say budget and tax increases, loss of income?) aw well... you can try to lead a horse to water!.... Say, who is that walking over there?..."Hey! Pete!, do you care about...?"

Oh, by the way guv, enjoy your vacations at taxpayer expense (Can you say "Justified"?).

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