THOU SHALT NOT suffer a Madman, a Fool, an Idiot or a Politician!
(except if your a politician then its "Thou shalt not get caught!")

November 21, 2010

TSA, The Stupidity Absolute

TSA appointed (not an elected position) director John Pistol and the Obama administration seem to have finally done it. The traveling public seems to be pissed-off and starting to wake up. Everybody is aware that the TSA has exceeded all limits of common sense in their actions to inspect and harass airline passengers. It seems that everybody that I talk to, Everybody who talks on the radio, writes an article or has an opinion, is not willing to put up with anymore of this nonsense! Thank God! it's about time that people started to wake up and say that's enough!
We as a people have had a terrible time since 9-11, when we were made aware that we as a nation are not loved and respected around the world, like we had blithely assumed. We have given a typical, knee-jerk reaction to our repulsion, and in our naivete and political correctness (re;stupidity and laziness), have allowed politicians to once again intrude into our lives at the expense of our serenity and self respect!
  I believe that there probably have been attempted terrorist incidents of which the public has been kept unaware of. Possibly incidents, the general knowledge of which, out of national security, should be restricted. BUT, I am not in any way assured that there so many incidents, that there was ever, any need for the type and amount of "security" that has been forced down our throats without our explicit permission or consent. I am reasonably confident, knowing these types of "politicians", that the majority of what we have been told of, has been so inflated and blown out of shape and proportion, for the benefit of these politicians, that their resemblance to the truth of the situation, is like black to white.

The TSA (i.e. John Pistol, et. all) on behalf of the President, Barrack Obama and director of homeland security (H.S. = Hassel and Screen-em) Janet Nepalitano,  and acting with the blessings thereof, are doing exactly what is wanted by them. Namely the restricting of our freedoms and preparing us for U.N. restructuring and controls. (I know that this sounds like I'm a conspiracy nut, well, maybe I am!)

We as a great country, founded in freedom and under God, need to admit our past mistakes, monitor and control our borders,  clean-up and clean out, our political houses and get back to living our lives under our own control, and the way that we want to!

As has been said by a truly great man. "The price of true freedom is eternal vigilance!" and that means. we need to get rid of the known problems, get off of our lazy, self-sanctified, complacent asses, and do the homework to find out who and what we are really voting for, not just vote party lines or for whose name is at the top of the list!

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