THOU SHALT NOT suffer a Madman, a Fool, an Idiot or a Politician!
(except if your a politician then its "Thou shalt not get caught!")

December 1, 2010

Wiki leaks fraud?

This just in from an outside source...
Wiki leaks may well be a false flag operation. Purposefully designed and operated, to motivate people through their emotions and change their way of thinking.  The so called disclosure of U.S. information on the wiki leaks site has the appearance and earmarks, to be the result of a fraud being perpetrated on the people of the United States, for the purpose of creating an atmosphere of anger and distrust with the uncontrolled usage of the internet.

This anger, is and will be manipulated by unnamed parties in order to institute "Governmental" control over what may be posted on the internet.

The control of information dissemination would be a major step towards further restriction and control of personal freedoms, in a country that has previously taken it as a point of pride, to not only display, but promote their freedoms to and throughout the world.

The reason for this being termed a probable fraud, is that the referenced materials were previously available to the public from other sources.

If you remember previous disclosures by wiki leaks, they have been ramping up to more and more outrageous and seemingly dangerous disclosures of so-called classified information,  since they first came into the general public awareness.

The President of the United States has repeatedly called for the necessity of controls over what may be posted, but has previously been unable to garner the public support to allow him to do so.

 CBS news can locate and interview Osama Bin Laden but the U.S. Government cannot locate the person responsible for these leaks? He is not a U.S. citizen and cannot be prosecuted under Federal laws?

If this is the case, the drive-by news media, is once again being led about by their nose ring and they in turn, are doing their best to do the same to the public, all in the name of ratings! (can you say money?)

November 21, 2010

TSA, The Stupidity Absolute

TSA appointed (not an elected position) director John Pistol and the Obama administration seem to have finally done it. The traveling public seems to be pissed-off and starting to wake up. Everybody is aware that the TSA has exceeded all limits of common sense in their actions to inspect and harass airline passengers. It seems that everybody that I talk to, Everybody who talks on the radio, writes an article or has an opinion, is not willing to put up with anymore of this nonsense! Thank God! it's about time that people started to wake up and say that's enough!
We as a people have had a terrible time since 9-11, when we were made aware that we as a nation are not loved and respected around the world, like we had blithely assumed. We have given a typical, knee-jerk reaction to our repulsion, and in our naivete and political correctness (re;stupidity and laziness), have allowed politicians to once again intrude into our lives at the expense of our serenity and self respect!
  I believe that there probably have been attempted terrorist incidents of which the public has been kept unaware of. Possibly incidents, the general knowledge of which, out of national security, should be restricted. BUT, I am not in any way assured that there so many incidents, that there was ever, any need for the type and amount of "security" that has been forced down our throats without our explicit permission or consent. I am reasonably confident, knowing these types of "politicians", that the majority of what we have been told of, has been so inflated and blown out of shape and proportion, for the benefit of these politicians, that their resemblance to the truth of the situation, is like black to white.

The TSA (i.e. John Pistol, et. all) on behalf of the President, Barrack Obama and director of homeland security (H.S. = Hassel and Screen-em) Janet Nepalitano,  and acting with the blessings thereof, are doing exactly what is wanted by them. Namely the restricting of our freedoms and preparing us for U.N. restructuring and controls. (I know that this sounds like I'm a conspiracy nut, well, maybe I am!)

We as a great country, founded in freedom and under God, need to admit our past mistakes, monitor and control our borders,  clean-up and clean out, our political houses and get back to living our lives under our own control, and the way that we want to!

As has been said by a truly great man. "The price of true freedom is eternal vigilance!" and that means. we need to get rid of the known problems, get off of our lazy, self-sanctified, complacent asses, and do the homework to find out who and what we are really voting for, not just vote party lines or for whose name is at the top of the list!

November 16, 2010

"New" Global Warming

   In the past year there has been a change in the paradigm view of global warming. We the people of the United States have been made aware (you haven't?) of the fraud that was being perpetrated on us for the purpose of monetary and political gain (specifics were previously discussed) by certain nefarious individuals and further propagated by the ignorant and foolish media.
We have had two (2) separate and possibly(?) independent groups of perpetrators of this crime wave. The so called politicians (see definitions) and the media outlets (the drive-by media! (I love that term!, It conjures some interesting mental images)), who propagated and increased this fraud with out ever stopping to investigate or even check the information on which they were reporting!

   Well folks, they are at it again with a vengeance! Their perception seems to be that they may have lost creditability with the gullible public, who are the principal suppliers of financing for their way of life. They are reinventing themselves, their theories and the "facts" and are trying to restart the whole mania again, from a lower level of emotionally charged  irrationality! Have you perchance heard the "news" stories of the sun-burned whales? the diminishing fish stocks? or the increased emission of green house gasses by irresponsible companies and manufactures?

  Emotional issues right? We have been previously conditioned (can you say lied to?) by media "reports" and PBS documentaries, to respond to such emotionally charged "news", with an outpouring of concern (can you say money?) for the "poor baby seals, etc.," that have been presented as being so cute,(and have been preyed upon by evil types), who deserve the proper stewardship and concern that our donations of large amounts of money and votes could give them!

 Why do I say this? It may be that I actually listen to what "people" (as reported in the media) seem to be saying. Because I distrust their motives, as the result of having been awakened  a few too many times in the past. I keep watch for reoccurring themes that are presented as facts, "Facts" that have been discredited in the past, but the disputation of which was ignored. (Like CFC's which being heavier than air, were being released and "lofted" into the upper atmosphere to "create" an ozone hole which ......)

There is once again a renewed  surfacing of alarmist "findings" in the media, as being reported by unnamed sources, who never the less are well respected and of internationally acclaimed significance. We the people, are once again being primed for another major and long term push, which is intended to end with the loss of more of our freedoms! (I know that this sounds irrational but try to follow the thought process. The information that you need is out there, just start questioning what you are "told"!)

My point here being, is that if there is a problem here, that is not of natural cause, but is the result of humanities actions, that is properly investigated by recognized politically and monetarily impartial international organizations, with thoroughly documented research and findings, then we need to implement actions to rectify  the situation. Lacking and until such investigation is performed, I do advocate that everyone take commonsense measures to reduce our environmental impact, reduce our emotional responses (which are so easily played), and to take care of where we live and of those things that we love, but for GOD'S SAKE be reasonable and act intelligently this time!

  Lets break the previous paradigm that we must immediately respond in such an irrational, unthinking and blindfolded emotional manner, which steamrolls the rights of others, who are never given a chance, who may sustain a monetary loss, and probably don't agree with you!

November 15, 2010

UDOT outside of the box ECO-LANES!

It's time for UDOT to learn to think outside of the box! and just you remember that you heard of it here first!

For quite a while I have felt that the Diamond LANES (HOV) on our highways are wrong, that the new toll system is a rip off of the public, in that the people are being charged to use something that they have already paid for and are being taxed on with every gas purchase (can I sue for miss-use of funds, taxation without representation etc.?,) That the HOV lanes and the people who tend to use them are causing accidents (and possibly road rage and deaths as alleged in the previous column)! ad naseum ad infinitum!(so on and so forth for you texting types).
 Well I was always taught not to complain, if I didn't have a better solution! (this advice needs to be followed by more people! we all could probably benefit from some old time wisdom!)

So here is my solution..... Get rid of the HOV lanes and that kind of thinking. Instead we need ECO-LANES!
On roads of 4 lanes width or more, ECO-LANES would be for slower drivers only use, or for HOV use with a maximum speed limit of 15 mph lower than the highest posted (denote these type lanes on the road with green paint and road signs). Users of ECO-LANES who have a RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) (Like the veterinarian puts in your dogs neck.) transponder as do the singles using the present HOV lane, would receive a  tax break at the end of the year, for consistently using the reduced speed lanes in excess of 3 exits (so you can really be sure that they ARE Eco-friendly and not cheating for the tax-break) (would be a realized benefit of highway reduced maintenance costs) as well as a personal decrease in personal maintenance costs and reduced fuel costs! (remember 55 m.p.h.!) Users would be restricted to use of right hand-only lanes, display a rear window warning decal and must maintain a 20ft.mandatory minimum following distance from the preceding vehicle.(This distance would allow merging traffic and exiting traffic to seamlessly pass thru and would increase vehicular safety, a double benefit!)this could catch on big across the country and with all the greener types immediately!

...Now what to do with the money already spent on the left hand lanes? Simple really, Just repaint the diamond markers with a yellow circle and mandate a minimum speed limit of 65 m.p.h. to a maximum of 80 m.p.h. with RFID  and PHOTO-COP verification. If you don't have an RFID then you are speeding and get a ticket, that should make the insurance companies happy.(cameras and sensors are already in place)

The fees for program registration and the fines from violation of either type lanes, if consistently checked and enforced, should more than make up in increased income, for the costs of implementation of the new program and an increased police presence!( lets get the locals out on the freeway to!)

UDOT should be happy as they get a brand new toy to play with, they would also get more money and influence, greater recognition and maybe a little bit of respect. Our legislators would be lauded as "green" visionaries who would be looking out for the health and well being of generations as yet unborn. Insurance companies should be happier as their bottom lines would increase and they wouldn't have to spend more money lobbying (re:bribes?), the public would be happier as they can drive, as their conscience and wallets allow, and their would be a significant decrease in road rage incidents and the accompanying psychological turmoil!

Sounds to me and the other people who have helped me to plan this out, like a win/win proposition for all involved! Now what would you want to bet, that somebody with a little political power, a low I.Q.and a desire to use something like as a rallying point, will come up with a cock and bull reason why little Sally can't be left behind and why it was good that they are watching out for us. After all it wouldn't do, for people to get the idea into their heads, that they can come up with realistic and reasonable work-arounds that would benefit everybody and they can' make money off of it!!!

November 13, 2010

UDOT kills Sandra Harper?

As you may be aware, On Nov. 11 2010 Sandra Harper died in an automobile accident in West Valley City, Utah on the 201 highway. This is attributed to an act of road rage on the behalf of the other driver involved. According to the local self-aggrandizing broadcast so called NEWS media, Mrs. Harper was driving in a manner that annoyed the other person, who when being passed by Mrs. Harper, was given the one finger salute by her. He then proceeded to pass in an aggressive manner and when regaining the lane clipped the front of her BIG UTAH SUV causing her to loose control in a manner that ended in her death.

You may be aware from perusing my previous ramblings, of what I think about Utah's generally self-important, anal, infantile drivers and of UDOT's practices and policies in general and it's (not intelligently) management  in particular!

It is my belief, as formed from experience, that UDOT's uncontrolled greed, graft, and disregard of intelligence is the root cause of the majority of road rage along the intermountain highways. UDOT is not held responsible to the public for it's policies or practices. UDOT is a publicly (state and federal) highly funded retirement for select individuals who have the desire to dominate and control others. The policies of UDOT and the establishment of such things as the HOV lane in large population areas,  for the use of  a few who don't understand how to drive courteously without signs or explicit instructions (like special lanes and diamonds) *we used to call these kinds of people (pre-politically correct liberalism) SPECIAL (otherwise known as mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped) and therefore were restricted from driving in heavy traffic!
(The a fore mentioned people (now I'm being PC and not saying what I think) and what they do to the ancient and respected rules of the road should be banned,boiled and not coddled! I'm speaking of the very numerous liberal drivers as well as UDOT decision makers (not the folks who drive the plow trucks, although come to think of it they could us some re-education too!))

The "Special" conditions put in place by UDOT and the "No child left behind" drivers that you encounter in the "fast lane" (yeah right!) along the Wasatch Front now days, is enough to make an elephant run amok!
 I have had incidents happen to me ranging from one finger salutes to having a gun pointed at me in anger! (although the best ones, that relieve stress, are the ones like where the old couple put their thumbs in their ears, wiggled their fingers, and stuck their tongues out while making a sour face, hilarious! and it got their point across without causing hurt feelings! What smart people! though somebody should have kept their hands on the wheel!)

Is anybody besides me aware, that there has twice been a law on the books that requires a slower driver to move over when being overtaken by a faster vehicle, regardless of how fast the overtaken vehicle is moving?
that this law is presently on the books, was written for high traffic situations, and is never inforced, except for harassment value to increase the severity of a citation!

For the above cited specificies, it is therefore my conclusion, that while the two drivers were both responsible for their actions at the moment,  that these actions were precluded by the overall failure of UDOT to consider the psychological effects of all of the stupidities that they inflict on the people of this state, and that UDOT and its management should be held to be directly responsible for the death of Sandra Harper ( and others like her) and should be tried and found guilty of 1st degree murder!

October 8, 2010

Deep Fried Peaches

  All right I admit it! I love peaches! Peaches for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. The greatest food that there has ever been, PEACHES!!!

When I was little my mother made a treat that her mother from Sweden had taught her, Deep Fried Peaches. I have done a lot of looking over the years, Texas(they will deep fry anything) and Georgia (they love their peaches) were my first guess, but I couldn't find anything like this. Simple and tasty! the following is the original receipt, with a small modification (the batter mix), as handed down in the family.

( your preferences on oil, pot or fry pan, sugar and additional ingredients. I just know what I like!)
At least 2 peaches per person; peeled, halved, stoned and patted dry. Or you can just slice em up and throw them in! (less work but doesn't taste nearly as good).
 a medium bowl of instant pancake batter, sweetened with brown sugar (1/4-1/2 cup), 1/4 tsp. vanilla flavor, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste.
I like a thin batter (crispy), others will like it thicker (doughy).
A deep oil fryer is best, filled to about 3 inches deep with your favorite oil, shortening, or lard. Heated as high as possible without smoking,  to crisp and quickly seal the batter from absorbing extra oil.
   Dip the peaches in the sweet batter and place into the hot oil.
Cook until both sides are golden and the edges are crispy,
remove from the oil and allow to drain.
   Serve hot after dusting with powdered sugar, slice and pig out!
  As a dessert may be served with ice cream or whipped cream, If your the type- a half shot of Cognac in the bottom of the serving bowl leaves you feeling warm and satisfied!

October 4, 2010

Dual Fuel Cars and Digital Fuel metering in the 1800's?

the following is a reprint of an article that I originally wrote for the Davis County Clipper which the accepted and then refused to publish!

     In the late 1800's Mr. Henry Ford designed and placed into production the world's first mass-produced "dual-fuel" capable vehicle, The "Model T" and later the early "Model A's".

    The reasoning behind these cars with "digital" (hand operated) adjustable spark timing and variable intake tuning, was that while low quality gasoline was available in limited amounts and only in large population centers, the rural automotive enthusiast and farmers needed a ready, consistent quality and inexpensive supply. Enter home grown Alcohol, the only fuel that fit the requirements and which was readily acceptable and replaceable. These early engines would run extremely well and efficiently (read inexpensive) on most any mixture or percentage of these fuels that was available to the operator!

    Production and sales of the "Dual-fuel" engines took off like a rocket until passage of the so-called "Volstead Act" (the popular name for the National Prohibition Act) and certification as the 18th amendment to our Constitution, which was ratified on January 29, 1919 and went into effect on a Federal level on January 16, 1920. Alcohol as an easily produced,quality,  inexpensive and readily available fuel was dead!

    Private (at home) alcohol production as a fuel in rural areas, up until this time was, extremely common and well known of. Electrification of this country was still very incomplete and spotty and a person had to go into a largish city to get gasoline of any quality (which until this time was considered to be an undesirable by-product of oil refining (kerosene was the preferred product for light and heat). The poor man used Alcohol, which was manufactured from scrap organic waste was burned as a light source and  used in stoves and heaters. It wasn't until internal combustion engines became desirable that it was used as a fuel. The largest prior commercial application was, and still is, as a very effective refrigerant.

    Oil Baron and general bad guy J.D.Rockefeller (Republican) in the late 1800's was concerned that he would not be making enough money from his oil wells, if the common person could just "make" fuel to burn and only used oil and oil products as a lubricant. Rockefeller became the major monetary contributor to the temperance movement and thru his contacts (bribes?) in the government, was influential in making sure that the language of the up-coming amendment, would guarantee to outlaw the possession of the equipment and materials to build and operate a "still"  for alcohol production and that the manufacture of alcohol for any purpose would be strictly controlled and enforced by the government.

   "Prohibition" was repealed after 13 years (interesting number),by the 21st amendment on December 5, 1933, and American was "wet" again. Alcohol as a fuel had meanwhile been completely replaced by gasoline throughout the world and the Rockefellers had won!

    Interestingly enough, the Federal Government still controls and enforces the outdated and stringent regulation on what kinds of alcohol and the quantity that and "individual' may produce or have in their possession and that there is an entire Bureau (ATFE) of overpaid "porkers" dedicated to compliance enforcement
   Even today, an individual cannot legally produce sufficient alcohol to fuel his (2.3) automobiles for a year, let alone heat or light his home (anybody feel like a drink? just wait until Obama thinks of the taxes)!

Viewmont H.S. needs Help?

If you live in the South Davis county area you probably know of Viewmont High School and its principal Scott Tennis.He is not very well liked by a large majority of the student body yet he is LIKED by the parents because of his no-nonsense attitude (from the students) about education. I have personally seen this man grab a boy from the crowd ( the boy was being a bit rowdy at an after-school event) and mash his forehead into a brick wall!

Well it seems that Mr. Tennis's abilities and interests are not restricted to the physical and intimidation! The following story was brought to my attention by a teacher in the Salt Lake City school district (My how news does spread!). and was first reported to the congregation of a LDS Church service ( several of whom became quite upset at this EXTREME LIBERAL COMMUNISTIC behavior and attitude, hence the dissemination of the information!) by one of the school staff who witnessed and participated!

It seems that a short while ago, Viewmont hosted a school and school-board approved homecoming dance for the student body. At this dance there were the normal parent and teacher "watchdogs" or chaperons at the doors, whose duty was to watch for infractions against school policy and any excessive deviations from "Good Taste" (undefined). There was being offered to the attendees, the opportunity, for a small fee, to have their pictures taken with their date and in their sartorial finery! Developed pictures to be deliver to the purchaser at a later date.

I believe that as these kids had prepaid for the photos they were now their personal property (a legal issue?).
Well it seems that after being developed and printed these photos somehow went directly to the principals office for his personal review and approval before being released to their owners! (Is it possible that there was censorship planned here? Legal). Upon arrival the photos were taken to Mr. Tannis who, together with several staff members proceeded to review Legal the photos for compliance to LDS (Mormon) Church standards (constitutional violation of church and state here?)!

Now I am sure that Mr. Tannis felt it was his God given and approved duty to guard the morals of his young charges while on school property (what happens afterward when nobody is watching?). That he was attempting to promote the idea-log of his Religious Beliefs and that all of the parents of these innocent children who might become contaminated by the sight of something that was State and School approved, would wholeheartedly approve and applaud his beliefs and actions in doing this.

Mr. Tannis, I feel very strongly about the illegality and immorality of your actions. I believe that you were wrong, that you wronged these young adults, attempetting to teach a lesson of selfimportance and unAmerican behavior. That what you did was in fact unconstitutional, illegal, and with the fervor that you displayed in what I am sure, is not the only such incident like this in your lenghty tenure of these children, who you have been charged with guarding, is most likely an indication of a progressive mental illness, and assuredly a display of a moral illness! I will do everything in my power to bring this to the attention of not just your boss but also the ACLU! (I wonder how his boss will like that? can you say political appointment?)

August 31, 2010

Centerville Slums

There is a terrible blight that has fallen upon the residents of a South Davis County community!

 It has recently come to my attention ( by way of a response to this blog), that a large portion of the population of Centerville UT. feel that the area south of Parrish Lane is "The Slum Area!" After a review of past associations and conversations I find this to be a truism! Not only the people in general but also City Employees (Not Ron Russel?), who in the past were often required to spend time working in the area (including the mayor?).
    The quality of city services, the type of services offered and the general appearance of this place is enough to make me believe it is a slum! (Time to cast stones yet?)
    As the respondent was so kind to point out to me (in numerous four letter explicatives) this is an area which the rest of the city hopes, would fall into a giant crack in the earth, so that the rest of the city could become more beautiful and more Mormon (apparently a large population of heathens [also read "Lower Class"]  live here abouts. (They don't pay nearly the taxes WE do, We deserve more and better services! They are not paying their fair share"[a true case of us vs. them!]
    I feel that it is a sad statement of humanity, that individuals are allowed, nay encouraged to set themselves upon a crystal pedestal from which they may condemn, belittle and deride their fellows. That other citizens can and do allow this kind of non-Christian, bigoted, this "Hitler-ist, " elitist, type of ideology to continue and prevail to the point that elections have been predisposed in "church" [a whisper campaign in a low voice accompanied with looks of severe disdain ("you wouldn't really vote in favor of a non-Mormon would you?")]
    Come on People!!! wake up!! It's the twenty first century and nobody is trying to kick us out of town any more!!! Lets act like Christians and not the heathen devil worshiper that we accuse others of being!!!
   If we really intend for the world to be a better place for our children then we must first start at home! It is these kind of changes in what we teach others, that will lead to positive and fruitful changes in our Local, State and National government, so that they become honestly responsive to what we want and not leave the door open to outside interests as is the case so often today.

August 19, 2010

Global warming, a warning?

Has anybody besides me noticed that they seem to sweat a lot more than when they were younger? (that is assuming that anybody still goes outside long enough to really feel the temps.) I blame it on GLOBAL WARMING! That dire and evil term that represents the efforts of the rich industrialists and corporate interests to subjugate the poor downtrodden  masses! The destruction of the entire world is coming, glaciers are melting, whales are dieing and my wife is premenopausal . Oh Lord save me, the world will soon be at an end! I must find a way to save the world, save mankind and make a ton of money from this! I will have to lie and perjure myself repeatedly in the attempt to get "THE WORD" across! I will have to form foundations and forums, I will have to give political speeches and withhold my support from certain politicians and I will have to obfuscate and hide pertinent facts and other information from the public! I may be forced to accept the Nobel peace prize of $1,000,000  and the global recognition, which I really don't want!

In the early 1900's the  the precursors to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration "N.O.A.A.", began to gather together the heretofore independent record keeping of world-wide weather events and began to chart the long term maximums and minimums over time.
My research shows that in the 60's NOAA changed the approved design of it's weather stations slightly, the previous design required the use of a "Milk"white paint . The change was to a white enamel. A small yet significant change, as the temperature recorded by the internal charting thermometers began to over time, average out to show an increase of aproximately 1 1/2 degrees F. (the ability of this new paint over the previous, to transmit thermal radiation [heat] had been increased by this amount). This supposed temperature increase was documented and reported without adjustment for the change in the recording conditions.

There were additional changes from recording practices of previous years. Weather stations were located on top of large flat roofed buildings (re: heat collectors and reflectors), adjacent to large black-topped parking areas and airport runways and in areas of still air where the breezes previously flowed unimpeded. Now this might seem insignificant in terms of GLOBAL reporting but most of our international information has come from developed countries (who else would have the time or ability to care?) who have purposefuly copied our methodology in order to be compairable  and acceptable in their results.

I remember being taught in elementary school (a long time ago when public education still tried to educate and create the ability in people to think on their own!), of the previous ice ages. There has been a phenomena of (historically) recent times (approximately extending from the late 1700's to the 1930's, with the maximum average lows in the late 1920's into the 1930's) was called the Mini-Ice Age. This was an event that has been experienced in part, in living memory ( I have interviewed numerous people who were alive at this time and confirmed the effects reported, i.e. increased amounts of snowfall, rainfall and lower temperatures as compaired to today.) This mini-ice age has created numerous historically recorded effects, crop failures due to cold, with associated famines (and yes, WARS), extinctions of animals and species, migrations (incluing human), glaciation and flood events.

At the time, I remember thinking about how good it was to live today and how much better it would be in the future and what interisting changes that there might be. My fascination has led me to notice such extreme finds as mammoths that have been found frozen in ice with GREEN GRASS in their stomachs and other such oddities. I have traveled to and about Alaska and seen land that is riseing from beneeth the ocean after being compressed under galciers, Ice bergs being calved in Glacier Bay and the dissapearence of glaciers from such easily accessable locations as The Grand Tetons, the Wind River Range and Glacier National Park. How much of this is the result of a period of natural cooling followed by a time of natural warming? (a natural cycle?).

This is definate proof to me of the previous existanece and end of a MINI-ICE AGE and of present natural and cyclic Global Warming! I do not ignore the effects that humanity has had from the dawn of civilization (cultivation of food, both plant and animal. The release of carbon and the changes in the patterns of plant life.) as probably having a minor effect on our climate.( Our irresponsible actions may have inadverdantly prevented a MAJOR Global Galciation event!)

 Irreguardless of the actions of (seemingly or self-pronouncing) well meaning do-gooders, both historical and prehistorical evidence is in favor of cyclic temperature swings! How can I dare say this in the face of all the facts and rhetoric that have been expounded and propounded in recent years? By taking an honest  look at those self same facts without all the rhetoric and obfuscation present.

 Many are as I have previously stated. Tree rings (growth rings show favorable times of growth), Ice cores ( show amounts and types of precipitation), erosion of land features ( types of soil and patterns of erosion and deposition) and locations of and patterns of, Human habitation and abandonment are among others that should be considered.

There have been previous times of elevated average temperatures. Most recently there is what is known as "The Medieval Warm Period" which peaked at about 1450 and lasted for over a hundred years! (can you say Global Warming without cars and power plants?) at a time of low human population or impact!

At present, our scientists who study the other planets (not the Earth) and the nearest star (yes, we live adjacent to a giant thermonuclear bomb which could explode and contaminate the Earth!) are finding that all of the planets have recently began increasing in surface temperature (re: warming)! Should we have our electric cars in space? Are we now polluting the universe?

It seems to me that GLOBAL WARMING is cyclic and natural and not just restricted to our planet.
That we, as the most vigorously persistant, large life-form on our planet, have and will continue to have, an effect on the weather of that planet, from prehistoric times, on into the future!

If we continue to allow and support extremeist ideaologies to dominate and control our politics, our policies, our choices and the way that live. To repeated give insane sums of money, adoration and control to people who have a demonstrated disreguard for truth and responsibility to their fellow man and to this planet for their own personal gain, we are just asking for this behavior to continue and that we will fall under their sway to the point that we will talk ourselves out of even trying to think on our own.

(A plethora of good information is available on the internet concerning both sides of the argument. I would hope that people will take time to investigate on their own before they draw a conclusion that could result in irrepairable change. I do caution people to moderation in all things so as not to result in depletion of resources!)

August 13, 2010

Re: The Govenor

As reported earlier... It seems that the State Fair may not be so in all of their dealings. I do know that the governors office was informed of the facts as then known. Yet it seems that his office has such an excellent set of filters (not just electronic) in front of it that when an opportunity for political advancement presents itself, gift wrapped, in front of his office (call the bomb was unattended) to which notification was sent, they cannot be bothered. Well Governor Herbert, It seems that there is another political party out there who just might be interested in your office (can you say Caroon?) . Possibly, you may be just waiting for things to sort themselves out. It is possible, that the expense of investigating this (a phone call or two by the lowest paid staffer or unpaid intern?) would be of such vast monies that the benefits to the people, that have been freely given to not only the voters of Utah, but especially to the children, is of little or no consequence or interest to you. (can you say budget and tax increases, loss of income?) aw well... you can try to lead a horse to water!.... Say, who is that walking over there?..."Hey! Pete!, do you care about...?"

Oh, by the way guv, enjoy your vacations at taxpayer expense (Can you say "Justified"?).

Down home politics

I must admit to having a political
(you might want to look this one up,
((Unless you are lazy))
as most people think they know what political means)
agenda of my own. I would like the world to get along and everybody to think
(as I tell them to)
like me.
Fortune is a double sided coin, in that if my desires were the rule, then I would rule and nobody would agree with me for imposing my ideals upon them!(could this be the golden rule of politico's?)

Political parties are formed with idealism and a lot of energy,(look at the continuing evolution of the "tea party") and are therefore surrounded with rhetoric that sounds great to a passing ear. As time goes by, these original ideals will become polluted by well meaning yet ignorant individuals (who were attracted by the chance to make noise),
who want to bring about additional changes so as to make their party be more palatable to supposedly more people.
(t'aint always so McGee!)

The large majority (as opposed to the small) of the populace of our once great country, is mentally either deliberately lazy or mentally substandard
(not a very PC statement is it?, but true none-the-less! especially when today's I.Q. scores are lower on average that at any time before!
((can you say no child left behind, let no child excel so that others may feel bad!))
((t'is better to cause harm to the few, than to the many)))
in that they will not have done any research on candidates for office and will either vote on party lines (this qualifies as research?) or just punch the top name on the column.
(I'm patriotic, I voted, I did my civic duty! I can't be bothered)
(my example is drawn from a lot of people that I have interviewed in Utah but applies to the whole country).

As a result of OUR actions
(yes, I will take responsibility for my past actions and accept the consequences thereof!)
or inaction,
we are left to having to deal with the results.

Bigotry (all kinds), racism (both kinds), predetermination-ism, graft, corruption, sexism, on and so forth. If it is ugly in any permutation (to the people on the outside, not the people doing it!), we have it in our elected officials as they cannot afford (re:graft and bribe) to be non-partisan or non-responsive to the people with the money. (not including just those whom they supposedly represent ((see "honest politician" in my definitions))).

This is what our Country has become, this is what our political system has become and everybody knows it. As far as I am concerned, and what I hear from others, neither of the two main parties is worth the match, to light the fuse, that runs to the powder kegs, that could be used to blow them all to .....

Yes, I admit to an agenda. My desire is to point out, what I see from a conservative view point, the lies, deceits and abuses' that people have become common is so much of all of our politics, from news reporting to our highest public officials (can you say potus!).

I prefer the generic terms of liberal and conservative, as opposed to Democrat and Republican.
The party names seem to be misleading to a lot of people,
(democrat = I have a vote, republican = I have faith in and stand for my country)
while the other terms are actually more descriptive of a way of thinking and looking at the world ( which in reality is not the way they are used).

In a land where a person can be sued into poverty for not being careful (enough((as defined by the prosecuting attorneys))) with the words that they may use when expressing their personal opinions, A land where it has become a multi-million dollar business to elect an official, a land where your income is predeterminate (did I just make that word up?) on a political party, a land where you are chastised and ridiculed for declaring your belief in the Constitution of the United States of America as a Divinely inspired document? (anybody seen the "Vue"?) A land where the President spends millions of tax payer dollars to take mini-vacations that in number exceed the months in a year? (let alone allowing his wanabe trendsetter wife to run around on taxpayer monies too!) (when I can't even get one in the last 10 years!). A land where we will allow a Mosque to be erected adjacent to, and overlooking the hollowed ground where so many died innocently. The mosque which could be used as training and sanctuary (where legally they are immune) for future terrorists and a land where the President seemingly takes pride in pointing out that even though he has engendered a multi-trillion dollar deficit (that is a real legacy for posterity) upon our country for generations to come, which he originally had inherited from the previous administration (re: party) (who was fighting a war against terrorists when his party was ousted) who left him with a vastly smaller deficit to contend with, after having received a balanced budget from their preceding party. (Convoluted huh? well so is the thinking behind all of this!)

You bet that I have an agenda, as so should you. We need to get government spending under control. We need to get government responsive and under control of the people. We need to get the population overall, concerned with what is going on in government. That is my agenda, I may not like the results, but if it were truly to be" the will of the people" of our country, then I will learn to like it, will be compliant and will be supportive of it. Until that time comes to pass, I will be vocal about the failings that I perceive.

August 11, 2010

State Fraud or Fair

The following has bothered me ever since I first heard about it. My first impression was that such bigoted stupidity does not have anyplace in government, but then I remembered my definitions of:to rule, government, liberal and bigot.

The head of the Utah Shriners (Remember the Shrine Circus?) contacted the Utah State Fair Committee about a display entry for the Shrine Hospitals of America. He was told that to enter a Pickup and 20 ft. trailer for the purpose of display would between $6000.00 to $7500.00 for the run of the fair, but not to worry too much about it as they really did not have room (at the Nazarene INN perchance?) for the Shrine organization.

[Ed. note; the relater of this incident was quite upset. His perception, from the tone of voice and the verbal punctuation used toward the caller, was that they were told that THEIR KIND (undesirable 9/11 bomber type of lowlife garbage eating etc.,) was not wanted and would they please go away and leave that person alone as the were not going to be welcomed or kindly helped in any way!.]

As the original contact person for the fair was a Denise Allen, CFE Phone (801) 538-8476, Head of Marketing and Public Relations, who then referred them to another person named Randy_unknown____ it is speculated that Denise is Randy's boss and was calling the shots behind the scenes. (Yea for that great PR work Denise! way to go girl!)

[Ed. note; To be fair, Denises' boss's contact info. is Acting Executive Director, Judy Duncombe, CFE.Phone (801) 538-8445
after that you may want to try contacting the office of Utah Governor Gary Hubert. I have but they wouldn't put me thru! You might have more luck if you called the Utah Democrats.]

The Utah Shriner's and in fact the entire Shrine organization js dedicated to and chartered to help relieve the suffering of all children regardless of, and with out cost to the people involved. Nationally the Childrens Shrine Hospitals (there are 22+ of these across the country) donate annually in excess of $550,000,000 (that's 550 million dollars) in treatment services to our youth irrespective of race, creed ,religion or national origin (something about that sounds strikingly familiar, some sort of document perhaps?).
Each hospital has a differing area of specialized service and treatment and will often cross communicate if required.

In Utah the Childrens Hospital here will donate materials and services of over $25,500,000.00 (that's 25.5 million dollars) this year alone making it one of, if not the largest charitable donations in the state. (Even Bill Gates, would not be asked for a penny nor expected to offer money, to care for his children)
In fact they are so highly regarded by the other health care organizations for the types of, and quality of care provided, that they are continuously referring patients to them!
The Utah hospital will on the average, provide care to over 5,000 children this year, and not a dime is asked in return!

The Shrine expected to pay their fair amount and were prepared to do so. They feel that it is important to get the word out about what they offer and things do cost money (after all not everybody is a charitable organization).

The way that were treated and the tone of voice in which the treatment was offered was definitely not Christian in any way, shape or form!

It is for the children of our community that the Shriners exist. I do question the motives of the Utah State Fair committee, Are they in fact aware that such callous, bigoted, idiots are answering the phones in their names? do they actually approve of the actions of these people? are they taking public monies to perform their self appointed tasks? or are they in fact the front people for the unvoiced majority in our State Government (Can you say Gary Herbert and company, who by the way are running for election!).

If these actions are typical and normal to the great State of Utah. If it is normal to let people with this type of attitude run things in your name and out of control. If money (maybe a bribe offer would have helped, these people might be from New York or Joisey) is the All important Idol to which we bow before, then let us change the name of our state as it is no longer the land of Deseret and we deserve more leadership from people like Obama! (Can you spell extreme?)

Maybe the truth will come out and liberals will rule the lands. Governor Hubert would you like to look into this on your own or would you like some help? we'll be waiting here to report!

Ed. note
The Shriners organizations in all states are quite large and well respected for their works. Most people are either related to, or personally know a Shriner. When word of this behavior gets around (as it will quite quickly, bad news travels fast!) ,I would hate to be the responsible party and I think that there could possibly be economic retaliation for the proffered insult!

Please participate in the feedback poll at the end of this page!

Coca Cola

Disclaimer and acknowledgment:
Coke and Coca cola and the fishy shapes and swirls are registered trademarks of the Coca Cola Company of Atlanta Georgia and are used herein to designate a non- generic cola product as everybody knows and recognizes. I apologize for not having a copyright key in my computer. Round Up is the trademark name of a product of Monsanto. ( Coincidence that these seem to be southern companies? Do you believe in coincidence?)

In a recent conversation with an employee of Swire Pacific Holdings ( the local company that distributes Coke products, I was told a rather amazing story concerning greed and lies.
It seems a local highly placed executive became aware of questions concerning aspartame, (also known by various other names) and corn syrup, when used as a food sweetener, in the diet over extended periods of time. He learned that there are serious health concerns over these additives, especially with children who are the largest consumers of soda pop. He looked at statistics of obesity in children and young adults, of the chronic increase in diabetes within the population and other increasing health risks.
His growing concern led him on a quest for forbidden information and took him on a long and many convoluted path.
His research led him to aspartame, (the sugar substitute for most all diet drinks) a molecular left handed sugar, a form of which is artificially produced when a sugar syrup is heated to near boiling, causing a large percentage to realign in a left-handed spiral which is extremely sweet tasting , (home fruit canners have done the real thing for years) yet it is not converted to fat by the body. In the low cost process favored by Coke this product is produced in a form that the body converts directly into fat and is not metabolized to starch as normal sugars would be. It may be the agent responsible for causing certain cancers and other illness's.
He also found that corn syrup (the low cost sugar substitute for non-diet drinks) is produced almost entirely from genetically modified corn grown in this country (actually only in this country as other countries will not let the seed corn be sold there and consider it to be a criminal act against humanity to grow it.) Now what is so bad about G.M. corn? he asked himself? After further research he found a very compelling reason for these concerns.
It seems that the seed producing companies (can you say Monsanto?) in their desire to maximize profits above all else, genetically modified seed corn to be resistant to their own product "RounduP". This way the farmer (large corporate type) could weed his crops without killing them. Seems like a good idea doesn't it? Saves time and money!
The problem comes in where this company modified a gene and inserted it into the corn. As they soon came to find out the modification did not stay in the corn and when ingested by animals eating the corn products both human and animal (there were years of product trials and animal autopsies) became active and lives in the digestive tract in a form that (again) converts sugars and starches into non-soluble fats. To further the crime this modification is stored in the same fat that it causes and may never be excreted! (can you say complicity?)
This fellow was by now convinced that the soft drink industry as a whole was intentionally poisoning our country and that as a responsible executive and representative of his organization he set about to educate Coke as to what was going on!
Guess what? He was fired and blacklisted and is working today as a carpenter.
Where did I get the story from? His brother who today works as a delivery man, keeping quiet and low profile as he is just about to retire. Why did he talk to me? Because I displayed previous knowledge when I asked him if they were going to get rid of G.M. corn syrup and go back to sugar.
Additional information, did you know of studies that have been done, that while not endorsing large quantities of sugar in your diet, trend to show a significant weight reduction in people who switched from the so called diet drinks.
Dr. Pepper (disclaimer) has a NEW product, Classic Dr. Pepper with real sugar!
Maybe you thought Pepsi (disclaimer) was better?

The Soda Pop industry as a whole and the producers of G.M. seed, are guilty of knowingly promoting a dangerous product (aspartame). I am just waiting for the lawsuits to start!

These companies have in their quest for the almighty dollar and tight bottom line have knowingly damaged America ( How can I say knowingly? there are several whistle blowers still alive out there who do have the full story. I used to scoff also at stories of corruption and murder until I was involved in a couple of big lawsuits and saw what goes on!) believe it or not.

August 10, 2010

Fox 13 News

I was originally quite excited when Fox 13 (local Fox affiliate) announced that they had obtained as a co-anchor, the attractive(and single) brunette, Hope Woodside. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the viewing public, as things often will do, this young lady did not live up to her promise. Maybe it was the loss of her sidekick Jodie Sayland (the attractive and perky weather gal), mayhaps for other reason, but Hope has become Hopeless!
Overall the station has not done badly with the limited talent available to it. They have taken their limitations in stride and tended to laugh at themselves. (check out big Bubba!)
I don't have cable so I cannot say what the pay-for news is like, yet if they are professional and they can be honest with themselves.... they have a couple of problems here!
When Hope is on screen my family make a game of keeping track of the total numbers of fax pas that she commits and compare them to previous days for the record maximum. You just have to pay attention and not get caught up in laughter, as when she catches herself or her earpiece tells her something and she goes momentarily cross-eyed!
Sorry Bossy but unwashed pasture hair is so out of style and no matter how hard you personally try I don't think you will end up being a trend setter. I don't like it and several others have commented on it that I have heard.
A further problem that they seem to be blissfully unaware of is that they (Fox 13 anchors and reporters) do not make the news. It does seem that they keep trying to blow stories up BIG and fast so they can get credit for the "breaking story reported first on FOX 13!". I do know that the FCC has threatened them at least once for the way that they were reporting, (they said this themselves, or maybe it was one of the other channels reporting on them!(very cutthroat)) and I do also know that they have lost a lot of market share for their constant displays of arrogance. I do not watch the news for somebody's ignorant and unintelligent opinions, I want the facts reported as they say - "fair and Balanced". OMG! Hope Woodside won SLC's Best Anchorwoman for about 12 years in a row now. ... Tells you what the rest of the ladies are like!
(hang in there with "Hope", She' ll find a man (that stays around) someday!)

August 9, 2010

Road Rage

I must admit that I have a problem with those OTHER idiots out there on the road. I have driven truck for a living, Something that I find enjoyable and will still do on occasion. I have owned, maintained and driven a circletrack race car and have participated in numerous other motor-sports, both on and off-road, so I believe that I am knowledgeable, over a million miles so far, and can talk with authority about the subject. (If you think otherwise send me your bonafides and I will publish them along with your comments!). Utah has a lot of TERRIBLE DRIVERS and they think everybody else is wrong! I must retract that statement as I should also include all of the Intermountain West. (Hello there Idaho!).
I have noticed over the years that there are a lot of young female drivers, both with and without children, who display a total disregard for the safety of the other drivers. In my opinion they are as bad as the older gentleman, who on his way home frome work will change lanes without a signal, cut in front and otherwise rush to get in front of everybody else! Same behavior, same internal attitude! These Liberals are so self- important and so arrogant that they don't even see you, let alone that they are DISCOURTEOUS DRIVERS! These people(?) are so unaware that what they are doing is WRONG, that they will pull over and listen to you explain in infinite details the errors in their genetic code and why they should not attempt to save their genes or pass them on to their progeny (heaven forbid that they create others as bad or worse than themselves!) that they will try to argue with you while the 2 cops parked in the cruiser are roaring in hilarity! (that is NOT Hillary as in Clinton).
UDOT is doing nothing to alleviate the problem in any way, in fact they seem to be actively exacerbating it, with their Diamond Lanes and other LIBERAL traffic Ideas.
I can understand the modern desire of the soccer mom to have a large SUV to drive the kids in, so as to have false feeling of safety. I also know that they will cause some poor dummy to get a ticket for following to close, after having tried to put his engine into her front seat as a result of her cutting him off with 3 inches to spare and then slamming on her brakes!

Ford Dr.

Centerville City Corp., that group of Ultra Progressive Liberals of infinite intelligence and even deeper public pockets will never cease to amaze me! It seems that there is a "street" of about 80 feet in length (Ford Dr. , i.e. 350 W. 775 S. ) which these people decided needed to be repaved for the benefit of the basketball hoop at the end! Two driveways exit off the tarmac after about 15-20 feet and it was deemed of utmost necessity that the cracked macadam be replaced immediately. The public must have demanded the expenditure of the 10's of thousands, if not hundred's of thousands of public dollars in an effort to assuage the general anger over the multi-million dollar performance center ( Hey Mayor - do the grand kids have their performance ready?). The amount of intellect discharged to approve this scheme must have had the South Davis Fire Department on standby notice due to the smoke of cogitation that was generated. End result, It looks fine at this time guys. The public works dept. that did (not) do the work will, I am sure, be congratulated, if not paid!

Diamond Lane Blues

Have you driven into SLC in the past year or so? I live in So. Davis Co. and get this joy quite often. There has come a change though that is most perplexing.... the diamond lane.
The Diamond lane (dl for short) seems to be the creation of a highly placed idiot moron liberal who has NO idea what is going on!
When the dl was first put into effect it caused major confusion with the driving public. NOBODY had informed the public what was going on!
Traffic became snarled as the liberals were now in all lanes of traffic, slow traffic was trying to get from the left lane over to the right so that they could exit and semi's were being crowded around the lanes as they couldn't figure what was safe and nobody was telling the little cars what to do!
I believe that the DL is a tool of the liberals to attempt control of the conservatives (see definition of a liberal). There is NO fastlane anymore and you cannot legaly pass slow traffic if you are towing any kind of trailer.
The DL's do nothing constructive for traffic, they block an important lane to other traffic. They cause major slowdowns in traffic and they are becoming an income budget item in the government.

"UTA" The Utah Transit (non)Authority

....or how (legally)to rip off the people by using the aged, the infirm, the disabled and the public in general.

While on the subject of buses, has anybody looked at the UTA lately? This organization seemingly formed at taxpayer expense (and how) to provide massive amounts of personal income (ahem... ahem... read graft and corruption?) for a select few and screw anybody else, appears to have been given police, nay semi-military power and authority! Anybody remember a pickup truck with a flashing blue light running red lights in SLC and causing a wreck with severe injuries!
I have repeatedly seen UTA vehicles speeding on public streets. I have talked to UTA TRANSIT POLICE (while they were taking a timed hour long break) who iterated that they could do ANYTHING and get by with it because they had AUTHORITY!!! (what progressive liberal city, county, state - authorizes an independent corporate police force and pay them with public money?)
UTA does not serve the public of Utah.
Have you ever ridden mass transit in California?
UTA exists to line their own pockets!(and they are going to raise their rates again and ask for more money!)
UTA seems to believe that we are all complete morons! i.e. they want to put a train line thru South Davis Co. on the main streets of the towns! (lets see if we can kill more children, the aged and infirm, and pets as fast as possible!!!)
(nuthin dumb 'bout these gude ole boys, they seem to know all them thar tricks!)
..... and guess what? I bet that you will let them do it, just like you have let this problem continue and grow to this point. I'll bet that people are lazy and content to just let it go thru and not even bother to find out the who and what. Just like always!
(By the way, don't try to contact the UTA, after several attempts ending in 30 minutes of perma-hold elevator music (how nice of them, wonder what that costs?), I have decided they were right-we are stupid, dumb and ignorant!)

School Bus 87

Just a little while ago, While driving the freeway (August 9, 2010. I80 north) in SLC, I was blown about by a Big Yellow School Bus! They were in the Diamond lane doing 87 mph, ( I clocked them, ayah, I was breaking the law.) and it was Cache Logan school district Bus #87 at about 3pm. No students were seen to be inside(maybe they were all laying on the floor?) but I just gives me pause to wonder if this is a normal thing for them to drive like this! ah-well the progressives are in charge of education so we shouldn't be to surprised. (in a way I hope that we will and our children survive!)

July 21, 2010

A Utah 4th?

It is always an experience of imagination to live in Utah! My wife was born on the 4th of July and she tells the story of being a child and thinking it was great that everybody would celebrate her birthday in such a way. The residents of the Great State of Utah are also a bit childish in the same way. This year (as usual) we celebrated on Friday the 2nd of July. The claim is that it would interfere with church if we celebrated on the 4th (which was a Sunday). Actually if a person were to take a look at Utah history, one would see numerous attempts to change civilization and history to agree with Mormon Church doctrine. This is a similarly veild attempt. The CHURCH would have us all believe (LDS and heathen alike) that the 4th is of minor importance and is really just a prelude to the Giant Celebration of the Days of 47 on July 24th!(the anniversary of Brigham Young's entrance into the promised valley!).
This really pisses me off! If it weren't for the founding of this country under expressed freedom of religion, then there probably would not be a Mormon church!
As a child in school we were taught of the significance of the Declaration of Independence, yet it always took second place to preparations for the 24th (unless we were going to Wyoming for firecrackers and Beer, after we were 16 and could make phony I.D.!).
As I have and will say again I believe in my country and this seems to me to be disrespectful!

July 20, 2010

Centerville 4th

I was fortunate? to view the Centerville 4th of July (on July 2nd) . It was pretty pitiful! I also was able to look down the street at the West Bountiful celebration shortly after and was impressed the the quality of the display. Being as Centerville has an is in the process of spending some 16 million dollars of tax money on a fancy dance hall so that there will be a place for somebody's granddaughter to get some stage time. It might be a good idea to combine forces and put on a great show for everybody, being as we have allready paid for it!

Congress reform

As you are probably aware the Congress of our country is not very responsive to the people, in fact they seem to be downright antagonistic to what we want! Well if we were to try to change anything we would be fighting not only big business, etc., we would be fighting these same individuals who are in the process of setting themselves up for life. We the people could never get a change thru that would dissolve Congress (which is what I believe should really be done and we should go to an electronic vote.... no more corruption!) but instead lets look at bringing these boys home to their state capitol, where we can really access them and get them away from Washington. (Ever tried to directly contact a Senator or a Representative ... ha ha ha ha! taint gonna happen McGee!) They can do business over the internet as well as anything!
The House and Senate have been bought and paid for with our own tax dollars. The corruption there is unbelievable to the extent that these people are selling out not just to foreign countries but also to foreign business too!
We need these people where they can be made to listen and see what the problems really are. The old solution is not only not necessary but is counter to what was intended by the Founding Fathers!
Some of the things that have lately come to my attention:
World - there has been a mass produced dual fuel vehicle produced by Ford in the 1920's - the Model T! and the capability was discontinued under political pressure by an oil billionaire who actually caused it to be illegal to produce an alternative fuel!
(ATTACHMENT coming soon)

National - Gulf of Mexico disaster; The broken oil well seems to have a broken pipe below the sea floor! It appears that BP knows this and that is why they are drilling again! BP is attempting to drill below the break and tap into the original pipe in an effort to capture as much petroleum
as possible. The additional wells are NOT an attempt to take pressure off of the first as everybody has been led to believe by the national news media.
The ocean floor for approximately a 10 mile diameter around (about 31 sq. miles) has been rising and cracking since the start of this mess and is leaking petroleum and gasses that is proven to have come from the drill site. There is the possibility here of the greatest diaster to ever happen in the time of man!
The gas is methane and is escaping the well at pressures of over 60,000 lbs. per square inch! this gas is entering the ocean bedrock in large amounts
that is causing the sea floor to bulge and allowing oil and gas (a mixture; approximately 15% gas to oil, ) to escape out of cracks like steam from a loaf of baking bread. If this huge amount of gas
were to burst thru to the surface of the seafloor at once, it would be the cause of not only the largest tsunami ever seen in this part of the world but the highly explosive gas would rise and if ignited would result in a explosion of nuclear proportions. With the shoreline relatively close at hand, the devestation from the shockwave of the blast could be of biblical proportions for up to 100 miles inland!

There is an additional problem that is happening today. Cancer causing components of crude oil are being released into the atmosphere as the oil washes ashore. People are already being sickened from this and it has been suggested that people up to 10 miles inland should have a gas mask, (not a respirator or filter) available if people are to remain in the area.

My question is why are the people not being told about this by our Government?, why is the news media being muffled not to report this? Why are the only words of caution being spread by civilians with no support? Why has Obama in his 3 visits not shown that he is aware of these problems?

Rocky 2, coming to a town near you?

It looks like Salt Lake City is in for another Rocky go-around! Rocky Anderson, the Past Liberal Mayor of that city, is said to be a bit disgruntled with his prospects of higher office. Mr. Anderson is supposedly preparing to campaign again for SLC Mayor-hood. Mr. Anderson, we truly wish you the best of luck in your bid. Let's hope that you have a large war-chest, as I'll bet your in for a real fight, you don't have D.D. Coradini to back you up this time (of course the "gay" community is a bit larger now.)

July 14, 2010

Thou Shalt Not suffer a Fool, a Madman or an IDIOT
Unless of course you are a politician then it's
"thou shalt not get caught"
Well guess what? You just got caught!

Have fun blogging!