THOU SHALT NOT suffer a Madman, a Fool, an Idiot or a Politician!
(except if your a politician then its "Thou shalt not get caught!")

August 9, 2010

Road Rage

I must admit that I have a problem with those OTHER idiots out there on the road. I have driven truck for a living, Something that I find enjoyable and will still do on occasion. I have owned, maintained and driven a circletrack race car and have participated in numerous other motor-sports, both on and off-road, so I believe that I am knowledgeable, over a million miles so far, and can talk with authority about the subject. (If you think otherwise send me your bonafides and I will publish them along with your comments!). Utah has a lot of TERRIBLE DRIVERS and they think everybody else is wrong! I must retract that statement as I should also include all of the Intermountain West. (Hello there Idaho!).
I have noticed over the years that there are a lot of young female drivers, both with and without children, who display a total disregard for the safety of the other drivers. In my opinion they are as bad as the older gentleman, who on his way home frome work will change lanes without a signal, cut in front and otherwise rush to get in front of everybody else! Same behavior, same internal attitude! These Liberals are so self- important and so arrogant that they don't even see you, let alone that they are DISCOURTEOUS DRIVERS! These people(?) are so unaware that what they are doing is WRONG, that they will pull over and listen to you explain in infinite details the errors in their genetic code and why they should not attempt to save their genes or pass them on to their progeny (heaven forbid that they create others as bad or worse than themselves!) that they will try to argue with you while the 2 cops parked in the cruiser are roaring in hilarity! (that is NOT Hillary as in Clinton).
UDOT is doing nothing to alleviate the problem in any way, in fact they seem to be actively exacerbating it, with their Diamond Lanes and other LIBERAL traffic Ideas.
I can understand the modern desire of the soccer mom to have a large SUV to drive the kids in, so as to have false feeling of safety. I also know that they will cause some poor dummy to get a ticket for following to close, after having tried to put his engine into her front seat as a result of her cutting him off with 3 inches to spare and then slamming on her brakes!

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